I love the age that Londyn is at, she is so full of life! Every morning she wakees up with a smile on her face laughing and playing in her crib. There are so many things that I love about being a mom. My girls give my life meaning! I love being a mom. I am so blessed to have 2 of the sweetest girls in the world.
A few things that can desribe Londyn best are
~Free Spirted
~VERY Indepented
Few things she loves to do
~Color Pictures with "B" (Thats what she calls Brindley)
~Climbing on the counter to wash her hands
~Throw things away (even things she isn't supposed to)
~Watch movies
~Play house with B
~Read books
~Play outside
~Getting her nails and toes painted
~Loves having her hair done
~Putting mommys nice lotion ALL over herself
Few things Londyn says
~"Ohhhh Mannnnnnn"
~Night Night Mommy, Daddy, B
~Loves you
~Bum Bob (Sponge Bob)
~Daddy home
~Nana (for Grandma)
~Me Awake
Londyn had a fun day! She got a fun new car that her and Brindley have fun with everyday! They call it the baby speed racer! So cute:)
We had the family over for cake and ice cream. This year I decided to make a Lady Bug cake. It wasen't the best cake that I have done but hey its the thought that counts right! I love making cakes for the ones I love for their special day! Here are a few pics from the day!!