Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Love Day

Valentines Day was fun, memorable, sweet, and relaxing! We celebrated the Saturday before Valentines Day because thats when we had a babysitter thanks to Paul and Ashlee! We decided to go to the gateway and eat at one of our favs "Happy Sumo" I never ate or even thought about sushi until I met Tom now I can't get enough of it too bad you can't eat too much of it when your pregant. Tom and I usually just get each other colonge and perfume for Valentines day but I decided that Tom was in need of other things this year. Tom is so bad about spending money on himself. Now that we have kids he thinks the money can be spent on them or saved which is a good things but come on you need to spoil yourself every now and then. Good thing he has me to do that for him. HAHA! So we went to a few of his favorite stores he tried stuff on and after he would say "ya this looks good but do I really need it" I would follow by yes! So when it came time to buy I told him how about you go to the resturant and I'll get a few things you tried on and meet you there. He fell for it! I bought EVERYTHING he tried on oops! I loved it all on him and I knew he would be grateful! I also knew he may freak out about the price only because he thought we were still going shopping for me after dinner. I decided that I really didn't need anything so this Valentines Day was all about Tom. That never happens, Tom is a very romantic guy and thoughtful that he is always thinking of me and the girls first.
Anyway when I was walking back to the resturant to meet him I loved the look n his face when he saw me with all the bags. His first words were "Take it back" I said no, You deserve all of it silly! He gave me a kiss and said Thanks Love:) Love that man! After dinner we went to see that new movie with Jennifer Anniston and Adam Sandler, I can't remember the name of it! We had a great time together! Love You babe forever and ever!
On Monday (Valentines Day), Tom made the girls a Pink breakfast before heading off to work. The girls and I soent the day making cookies for neighbors.


Krystal said...

What a SWEET Valentines day! Isn't it funny how doing something big for someone is gift enough for yourself too? The way it makes you feel to think of someone you love is the best!! Glad you had fun....but Sushi, really? YUCK! I feel like the only person in the world that doesn't care for it!

Arlene Heiner said...

Love Valenltines Day. Nicole great job on your blog, it looks great

Just the 3 of us said...

What a good Valentine's day!! You are a great wife :)